Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Teach Kids to Cook Healthy!

How do you get kids to eat healthy, you ask? You TEACH them, of course!

We all have stresses in this roller coaster called life. But, it sure is a fun ride!

With a full-time administrative career at a hospital (extremely demanding), two kids (extremely demanding) and a farmer for a husband (extremely demanding), it’s easy to fall into the “convenience food” routine. You picked up on my key point, yes?

We all lead extremely demanding lives. This is not news. After a long, stressful week of work, it is way too easy to pick up the phone and call your favorite pizza delivery friend. (Yes, friend. Anyone that delivers a large, greasy, cheesy pizza while you are pregnant is worthy of this title!) My son’s favorite thing to eat now is cheese pizza. And bananas. And pickles with peanut butter and ice cream. (Okay, I made that one up.)

My point is, the biggest influence in my kids lives is me! What better opportunity do I have to teach them to cook, eat healthy and have FUN all at the same time.
While it is not my intent to preach the importance of eating healthy ALL of the time, I plan to discuss ways to get your kids to choose healthier options MOST of the time. I would LOVE to hear about your family's favorite recipes and tips to eating and cooking healthier. So please share!
Here is my tentative plan for weekly posts (which, as we all know, will get interrupted by t-ball, soccer, gymnastics, work, etc.) so bear with me as we move forward together!


Tips on planning meals for the upcoming week and how to 'shop healthier' at the grocery store.


Healthy snacks for the kiddos.


Healthy substitutions for family favorite recipes.


Recreating 30 minute meals with leftovers.


Try a new recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Great points. I think the topics you'll be covering sound excellent; I'm looking forward to reading about each of them.
