Thursday, June 19, 2014

Freshly Squeezed Apple and Carrot Juice -- with a Twist of Lemon!

New Recipe Thursday -- Carrot and Apple Juice with a Squeeze of Fresh Lemon (Kid's Fun & Healthy Cookbook, 18)
Ingredients -- 3 Carrots, 4 Apples, 1 Lemon
Equipment -- Cutting Board, Knife, Juicer (you can also use a blender or food processor)
Steps -- Four
A while ago, I bought my daughter a cookbook while surfing If you are searching for the perfect cookbook to start teaching your kids a few things about healthy cooking, this is the one! (Kids' fun & healthy Cookbook by Nicola Graimes).

She looked through the cookbook and immediately picked out the Carrot and Apple Juice recipe (based on the picture of course).

The juice of 4 apples, 3 carrots and 1 lemon. Who would've thought that 3 simple, and healthy, ingredients would make the most delicious, mouth watering juice? The kids just gobbled this one up!

First things first, thoroughly wash your apples and carrots. Chop them up into chunks, as illustrated below. I should probably note that the kids did not do the chopping as that may pose a potential safety hazard! Oh, and they also washed their hands.

freshly squeezed carrot and apple juice

Second, take the chunks and put them through the juicer. You may also use a blender or food processor. You'll just need to drain the juice from the pulp. It may result in a chunkier juice, but delicious none the less!

Third, roll the fresh lemon back forth across the cutting board while applying steady pressure. This will release the juice and make it easier for squeezing. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze over the apple and carrot juice. Stir thoroughly. Tip -- squeeze the lemon cut side up to avoid getting seeds in the juice!

Fourth, pour into pretty glasses and enjoy! We garnished the rim with a slice of lemon for dramatic affect, but this is optional of course.

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