Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fresh from the Farm - How to Shop for Healthy Foods

Fresh from the Farm

If I can teach one thing to my kids, it's these four words. Stick to the perimeter of the supermarket and you are well on your way to shopping healthier at the grocery store.This is where you will find the fresh produce, dairy products, frozen fruits and vegetables and  the meat counter. (And, take full advantage of fresh produce stands in the summer!)

I have found that if I stay out of the middle isles, where the processed and convenience foods can be found, I can avoid their sultry temptations! Tonight, we stocked up on our fruits for the week. For me, it's easiest to plan meals for the week and shop on Sunday.

Tips for Selecting and Preparing Fresh Cantaloupe and Honey Dew Melons

  • How to Pick the Perfect Melon - if it weighs more than it looks like it should, it's going to be juicy and delicious!
  • The "Scratch & Sniff" Test - just like a sticker, scratch the bottom, if it smells like cantaloupe or honey dew melon, it is perfectly ripe.
  • Clean and cut your fresh fruit when you get home. You'll have healthy snacks ready to eat when you get home from school and work!

How to Cut Cantaloupe and Honey Dew Melons

  1. Cut a flat spot on both ends of the melon. This will prevent it from rolling around on the cutting board and preserve your fingers!
  2. Take your knife and follow the natural curve of the melon from top to bottom.
  3. Slice the melon in half.
  4. Take a spoon and scoop out the seeds.
  5. Cube each half of the melon.
  6. Store in a large baggie or Tupperware. Keep in the fruit drawer for healthy snacking throughout the week.
How to cut a cantaloupe melon
Cut both ends and slice along the melon curve.
How to cut a cantaloupe melon.
Slice in half, scoop out the seeds and cube the melon.
how to cut and store fresh fruit
Put your cut fruit into baggies (or Tupperware).
how to cut and store fresh fruit
Keep in the fruit drawer for quick healthy snacking!

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